How to approach asking for a raise
Our MD, Jane Downes was delighted to chat to Pat Kenny about how best to ask for a pay rise. See podcast link below.
The real cost of unfilled positions
The cost of hiring new talent is very easy to calculate but have you considered the cost of unfilled position? There is an ongoing war for talent in Ireland at the moment and hiring managers are to the pin of their collar to find, attract and retain talent for their businesses. Vacant seats in your […]
Taking breaks when working from home
All workers are entitled to have breaks while they are at work and rest periods between working days or nights. Minimum break and rest period entitlements are set out in the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997. These rules apply to most workers but there are some exceptions. How many breaks should I get? […]
Returning to Work
Are you thinking of returning to work after a career break? Many of us will take a career break at some point in our lives to accommodate travel, family, study or well-being. In some careers, such as teaching, career breaks can be structured and your role will be there on […]
Right to disconnect
The Workplace Relations Commission (the “WRC”) has published its Code of Practice on the Right to Disconnect (the “Code”). The Code came into effect as of 1 April 2021 and defines for the first time in an Irish context the Right to Disconnect. What is the Right to Disconnect? The Code states that the Right […]